I love blogs. I have a sort of process I go through on my morning break everyday where i read each one of them. Lots of the posts are interesting and inspiring. But sometimes you read a post and it almost seems that it was written for you. Thursday was a day like that, when I read this from the amazing Girl Talk Blog. I've always been one of those people who want to do the next thing, but recently i've learnt that sometimes we have to wait, and though that wait can hurt us to the very core of our being it's for our good. We can't let our desire for something new stop us developing our relationship with the Lord today. So this year I want to take this paragraph to heart:
This year, let us ask God to dissolve all our hopes (however good they may be!) into a single hope: to know Christ and to be found in Him. May this be a year of desire radically transformed, a deeper, truer, knowing of Christ as our All-Sufficient One.