Sunday, 10 August 2014

It's Going to Be OK

Somehow I now have a 14 month year old. Looking back on the past year it has been hard and wonderful all at the same time. If I was to tell my one year younger self some things it would go like this.....

That so called 'reflux' your little baby has doesn't go away. Even at 14 months he's still sick all. the. time. And no one knows why. You have to fight to get him looked at. You cry, he cries, but it no longer scares you. It scares everyone around you, but you are stronger than you think, you can cope with this, God's grace will carry you through and it will get better

Noah will be small. And that is OK. It really is. You have not failed because he is light. Ignore the health professionals who tell you other wise. Ignore the boasting mothers with their big babies. It is fine to be light.

You can live away from family and friends with a little baby. It will be tougher than you ever imagined. But you will be OK. And at the end you will realise what a Big, all supporting God we serve.

Your baby doesn't need to walk first, eat first talk first to prove that you are a good parent. He will do all these things. In his own time. Enjoy the journey.

You will sleep again. You will. All night on occasion. It will take some time but it will happen.

You are doing OK, go with your instincts.

You think you love him now? You will love him more than you ever imagined. Hold him, cuddle him, smell him, talk to him, soak up his giggles.

Stop worrying.

He will be OK.

You will be OK.

God has this under control.