Wednesday, 15 January 2014

What Cloth Nappies?

So, now that I have outlined why we use cloth nappies, I'd like to move on to what brands we use. This is probably the biggest dilemma when using cloth and when you start researching it can become somewhat overwhelming.
Snaps or Velcro?
Our stash is nearly exclusively snaps as I much prefer them and feel it's easier to get a more consistent fit, as you can remember where to snap them in. They also last longer. However I always try and have a Velcro closure one in my bag if I'm leaving Noah in crèche, as they are similar to disposables and easier for the uninitiated!
Two parters... All in ones...Pockets...?
Initially I mostly bought the Flip system, and I am so glad I did. It is by far my favourite nappy system. It is a two part system and I love the fact that you only have to replace the insert each time, which means that it is much more economical than other types. They are also the nappies I find most reliable and get the best fit with. We have stay dry inserts for during the day, they generally last about 3 hours and use an organic and stay dry at night.
In terms of other two part nappies, I inherited some Motherease nappies and I really like these too. I'm so surprised that I do. If I know that Noah is going to be in his nappy for a good while, for what ever reason, these are the nappy I go to!
Trevor doesn't like Flips, as he finds them too complicated, so we have a few pockets and all in ones in our stash for him and others to use. My favourite out of these are the Bum Genius V4 and Freetime, the Blueberry Deluxe (which is soooooooo reliable!) and Baba and Boo (which make the cutest na
ppies ever!) I have a love/hate relationship with Tots Bots, Green Pomelo and Gro Via- they go through periods of working perfectly and then will go through weeks of leaking every time I them. Bottom of my nappy pile are Bambino Mio, I never ever would take Noah out in these and only really use them if he's only going to be in the nappy for a very short time.
So they are my recommendations, but everyone has different preferences!

Monday, 13 January 2014

Why we use Cloth Nappies

I used to baby sit. A lot. One day when I went to the bin of those I was baby sitting, it was literally overflowing with nappies. It was at that moment I decided that I would use cloth nappies on any children I would be blessed with. At this point I knew nothing about them. However, many many hours of research  and 7 months of using them later, I feel I perhaps know more on the subject than is really necessary! However I love and feel so passionate about them!

This is the first in a little mini series I hope to do concerning cloth nappies. In this first post I want to outline why we use them.

1. Cost. 

First Day in Cloth
Admittedly the initial cost is quiet a lot. However there is no better feeling than passing the disposable nappy section in the supermarket and knowing that you have all the nappies you need for the rest of your babies nappy wearing days (and for any future children you may have!)

2. Environment

God gave us this world to be good stewards of. Without seeming judgemental, I just do not feel that throwing nappies into landfill, which will take hundreds of years to decompose is being a good steward.

3. Better for baby.

I am really not into natural products for myself, but I hate the thought of Noah sitting in chemical filled nappies all day every day. I am not convinced that enough research has been done into the effects of these chemicals on children.
4. Smell

I have a real thing about smelly nappies. Often bins are only collected every other weeks. Smelly nappies sitting there for 2 weeks? No thank you.

5. Reliability

I remember people talking about 'blow-outs' from nappies and not having a clue what they were talking about. Then we were on holiday and I was using disposables and I suddenly discovered!

6. Cuteness

I love the look of Noah in his  cloth nappy!!

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Baby Reality

So... once upon a time I was a dedicated blogger.
Some people even read my blog. (or so the stat counter thingy said)

Then by Gods abundant goodness I got pregnant. And I felt sick. Until week 26. So on my lunch break rather than blog, I slept (and ate bread sticks.)

Then I had a baby. And moved country. And I was just too busy. Plus people don't really seem to blog about their babies who don't put on enough weight. Or who are sick violently. A lot.

Baby blogs seem to go like this.

Here I am. Perfect make up. Perfect Hair. We have a perfect schedule. My baby naps. He's put on 15lbs since birth. I love breast feeding soo much! I make all the baby food from scratch and he gobbles it all up. We went on a play date. My baby sleeps all night.

But you know what. That isn't actually reality. And this blog is really a record for me or what life is really like with a baby.

It's hard work.

But it is the most amazing thing in the whole entire world and I wouldn't change my little boy for anything.

So, I am going to return to blogging (I hope). And I am going to blog about the reality. About the baby who wont nap. Who doesn't sleep all night. The baby who is so very dairy intolerant that I can't eat anything with dairy in it. But about the baby who make me smile a gazillion times a day. The baby who came in Gods perfect time. The baby who I love more than I thought possible. I may be covered in baby puke most of the time and constantly have bags under my eyes. My greatest hope for 2014 may be to sleep for 8 hours straight. But I wouldn't change it for anything.