Sunday, 12 January 2014

Baby Reality

So... once upon a time I was a dedicated blogger.
Some people even read my blog. (or so the stat counter thingy said)

Then by Gods abundant goodness I got pregnant. And I felt sick. Until week 26. So on my lunch break rather than blog, I slept (and ate bread sticks.)

Then I had a baby. And moved country. And I was just too busy. Plus people don't really seem to blog about their babies who don't put on enough weight. Or who are sick violently. A lot.

Baby blogs seem to go like this.

Here I am. Perfect make up. Perfect Hair. We have a perfect schedule. My baby naps. He's put on 15lbs since birth. I love breast feeding soo much! I make all the baby food from scratch and he gobbles it all up. We went on a play date. My baby sleeps all night.

But you know what. That isn't actually reality. And this blog is really a record for me or what life is really like with a baby.

It's hard work.

But it is the most amazing thing in the whole entire world and I wouldn't change my little boy for anything.

So, I am going to return to blogging (I hope). And I am going to blog about the reality. About the baby who wont nap. Who doesn't sleep all night. The baby who is so very dairy intolerant that I can't eat anything with dairy in it. But about the baby who make me smile a gazillion times a day. The baby who came in Gods perfect time. The baby who I love more than I thought possible. I may be covered in baby puke most of the time and constantly have bags under my eyes. My greatest hope for 2014 may be to sleep for 8 hours straight. But I wouldn't change it for anything.

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