We went to a Harvest Service last night. Trev was speaking, although he didn't realise that it was a harvest, but anyway the church was decorated for harvest and we sang about creation and thanked God for His provision so in that way it
was a harvest...
Harvest and autumn always make me think of the beautiful earth which God created for us, his bountiful provision and Psalm 8 verses 3 and 4 in particular:
"When I regard the Heavens you made, you fingers work I trace;
I see the moon and shining stars
Which you have set in place.
I ask myself, "What then is man
that you should give him thought-
The son of man, that you to him
such gracious care have brought?"
So often we get caught up in what we don't have right now that we lose sight of the bigger picture, that He who created the earth, He who set the stars in place, cares for us. He cares that we have enough food on our table, he cares about the tiny little details of our life, even though so often we are too wrapped up in ourselves to even notice.
So at this Harvest season let's remember that the God who made the ENTIRE universe cares that we, as insignifigant as we are, have enough to eat.
Psalm from Sing Psalms Edition
Photo: Portstewart, Northern Ireland