Saturday, 22 October 2011


We so often complain. About the weather, about the Health Service (people seem to complain ALOT about that these days), about the traffic on the way home from work, about not having a job, and so it continues. However, here we are so blessed. Some people would give anything to have rain like we have to make their crops grow or to have a free Health Service. Recently on so many blogs I read and in other places too people have been counting their blessings. It's such a hard thing to do at times, but when we do we realise that we are blessed so much, far far beyond what we deserve.

Today i'm rejoicing in the fact that my husband has a job again, for now anyway, and that our money stretched fine while he didn't. These are very obvious blessings, however when you look below the surface there are so so many other blessings in our lives, like a precious new nephew who we babysat for the first time on Wednesday, for a stable job for me, for new students at the Bible Study we help at and so the list could go on and on...

Just counting your blessing makes you realise what an awsome God we serve!

I've never been a great fan of the following Hymn, I think it's the tune, but the words ring true:

"Count your blessings name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done."

Monday, 17 October 2011

Grumpy Day

It was one of those days. I wasn't feeling well but I had to go to work. I didn't want to go to work anyway, but I had to because my husband coudn't get a job and our plans kept falling apart. It was cold and wet. Customers kept opening the door making the shop colder. Then they kept moaning at me over things I had no control over or patronising me at the end of the transaction. Didn't they know that I didn't even want to be here, that i'd rather be at home with a baby or two, but that through a series of events, totally outside of my husbands control, here I was, temporarily the main bread winner and that their moaning in my ear was only increasing my already thumping headache? Then to top it all off, in came some children's book I hadn't ordered. As I huffed and puffed about soemone ordering some light weight childrens book over my head, I began to flick through it, and there it was, 1 Peter 3: 15. The text we chose to have engraved inside our wedding rings, the verse which my mum cross stitched for us and now hangs on the wall in our hall:

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord.

I'd heard the verse so many times but it spoke home to me so much that day. I wasn't revering Christ as Lord. I wasn't trusting that his plans were far greater than ours. Wayne Grudem says:

"To reverence Christ as Lord means to really believe and insist that God not ones human openents is truely in control of events."

It all seemed so easy when we got it inscribed on our wedding rings, but day to day reality can make it so much harder. But we must and when we truely do, it's such an encouragement, even on those days when nothing goes right!

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Harvest Thoughts

We went to a Harvest Service last night. Trev was speaking, although he didn't realise that it was a harvest, but anyway the church was decorated for harvest and we sang about creation and thanked God for His provision so in that way it was a harvest...

Harvest and autumn always make me think of the beautiful earth which God created for us, his bountiful provision and Psalm 8 verses 3 and 4 in particular:

"When I regard the Heavens you made, you fingers work I trace;

I see the moon and shining stars

Which you have set in place.

I ask myself, "What then is man

that you should give him thought-

The son of man, that you to him

such gracious care have brought?"

So often we get caught up in what we don't have right now that we lose sight of the bigger picture, that He who created the earth, He who set the stars in place, cares for us. He cares that we have enough food on our table, he cares about the tiny little details of our life, even though so often we are too wrapped up in ourselves to even notice.

So at this Harvest season let's remember that the God who made the ENTIRE universe cares that we, as insignifigant as we are, have enough to eat.

Psalm from Sing Psalms Edition

Photo: Portstewart, Northern Ireland

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Friendship Blessings

There are four of us, always has been always will be, Ang, Rach, Clare and I. We met more years ago than I now care to remember, but it must be over 20. We journeyed together through Primary School and Grammar school and through University, and then we dispersed each to pursue our own lines of work, all so very different but yet with so many shared experiences.

We spoke last night in a coffee shop of how much has changed since we left school. No longer do we see each other every day , often months can pass without a proper catch up and when we do meet someone is often absent, be that due to work or babies or just the general business of life. Our lives have taken such different paths than we ever dreamed when we left the gates of school 8 years ago, tragedy and heart break and marriage and children and employment have a way of doing that to our innocent hopes.

However although on the surface so much is different, deep down inside we're still the same people really. And last night I was reminded of what a sweet sweet blessing these girls are to my life. How we can always start where we left off, how we can laugh and cry and know that we can be ourselves and not be judged. I may not have an abundance of friends but those I have make up for it in quality!

Monday, 10 October 2011

Books for Children

We don't have any children yet, but children's books are something which really excite me. Currently i'm in-charge of the Childrens department in the Christian bookshop where I work. I love trawling blogs and websites and meeting with reps, looking for books for children that are not only biblically accurate and will ground them well in the faith, but that are also attractive so that they will actually want to look at them!. These are some of my favourite books at the moment which I can't wait to share with our children (hopefully) in the future.

Big Bible Story Book
I love love love this book. The pictures are amazing and the message is clear. It goes through the whole Bible outlining the plan of God. Unlike nearly all the other Bible story books on the market this one links up the stories meaning that they are not abstract and it also covers way more stories than most others. As it outlines the plan of God as found in scripture it clearly outlines the gospel in a way that little people will understand.

Our Home is Like a Little Church and What is the Church?
These books are both written as a sort of rhyme. Our Home is Like a Little Church shows pre-schoolers the doctrine of the home as a place of worship where the father teaches his family God's commands while What is the Church? shows little ones that the church is much more than just a building. The rhyme makes it easy to remember and the illustrations are lovely too.

Grumpy Day, Rag Doll, Over the Fence and The Birthday Party
These four books are so lovely, I really hope they add to the series.They contain a simple story which a child can relate to, be that getting a new doll or having a day when everything goes wrong and then a simple bible truth at the end.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Living Differently

So I hope that this doesn't come over as a self righteous rant, because that is not what it is at all it's just something that's beginning to drive me c.r.a.z.y. It's the issue of whether or not we are different from the world. I'm sick and tired of people complaining that it's difficult to be a christian, that it's difficult not to go here or there when everyone else is. Jesus never promised it was going to be easy. His disciples didn't think it was easy when He who they had followed for the last few years was crucified. The early church didn't think it was easy when they were thrown to the Lions for proclaiming Christ. Throughout the ages people have found it hard to follow Christ, He said Himself that "If anyone would come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me."Mark 8:34 ESV

So, yes it may be difficult not to go to that place if everyone we know is going. It may be unpopular to stand up for what we believe in. It may be against the grain if we don't wear the latest fashion which may not be Christ honouring. But surely this is all part of denying ourselves. It means that we will be different from 'The World'. We wont want to be different because of legalistic reasons but rather out of a love for Christ that overflows into obedience to Him.

What an amazing impact would be had on the world if believers genuinely took up Christ's command to deny ourselves and follow Him. If people could really see a difference in the lives of those who follow Him. Jesus never said it would be easy but surely if we are truely thankful for what He had done for us the temporary mocking or loneliness is insignificant.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Baking Pride

I have a confession to make. I am a horrific baker. I mean I can make cookies and victoria sponge and that is that. EVERYTHING else I attempt ends in catastrophe. No matter how closely I follow the recipe it doesn't work, it just ends up a crumbly sort of mess and my kitchen ends up covered in the ingredients.

So, to many people this may not be a big deal. I mean I could just buy baked goods and anyway my husband doesn't like cake and can't eat milk chocolate, but to me it's a massive out of proportion kind of thing, and the more I try the more upset and frustrated I get. You see my Mum and Granny are fantastic bakers, I grew up in a home where there were always amazing scones and cakes, I hope one day to be a full time housewife and most significantly in the future I’m going to be a Ministers wife. Basically all these things make me feel that I have to make the most amazing traybakes. That I have to find amazing recipes, that I can't just stick to my cookies and cake which I know work but instead have to stress myself out making things that don't work for me, before and after work making me exhausted, angry and creating havoc in the kitchen. What's worse, because Trev can't eat chocolate I generally only make these when I have to bring baking to church, thus stressing me out even more when I’ve nothing presentable to bring.

After a particularly disastrous baking episode last night and this morning before work, were out of THREE trays of traybakes I got 13 that can be brought to a meeting in church tonight, I have decided that this needs evaluation...

So much of my frustration about this is down to pride. I want to be thought of highly by others, for people to praise me and seriously, that is just wrong. I want to be that picture of a perfect kind of Ministers daughter and wife (which does not exist.) As believers we are not to look for the praise of man, rather such things should be done with a quiet servant heart. So from now on I’m only going to make the things I know I can make to bring to gatherings, even though they may not look the prettiest... and maybe one day with a lot of practice I may be able to bake something other than cookies and sponge!