Thursday, 13 October 2011

Friendship Blessings

There are four of us, always has been always will be, Ang, Rach, Clare and I. We met more years ago than I now care to remember, but it must be over 20. We journeyed together through Primary School and Grammar school and through University, and then we dispersed each to pursue our own lines of work, all so very different but yet with so many shared experiences.

We spoke last night in a coffee shop of how much has changed since we left school. No longer do we see each other every day , often months can pass without a proper catch up and when we do meet someone is often absent, be that due to work or babies or just the general business of life. Our lives have taken such different paths than we ever dreamed when we left the gates of school 8 years ago, tragedy and heart break and marriage and children and employment have a way of doing that to our innocent hopes.

However although on the surface so much is different, deep down inside we're still the same people really. And last night I was reminded of what a sweet sweet blessing these girls are to my life. How we can always start where we left off, how we can laugh and cry and know that we can be ourselves and not be judged. I may not have an abundance of friends but those I have make up for it in quality!

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