Thursday, 12 April 2012


They have returned. I mean it's not really a surprise but none the less they are by no means welcome guests. I refer to my spots, well not just spots, severe acne which has plagued me for,  a very very long time, probably at least half of my life to some degree. I've had the tablets, the natural ones and the very much un-natural ones, the creams and the washes. The stuff from the doctor, the stuff on the shelf, the stuff you have to ask the pharmacist for. I've been to the doctor again and again and again. At one stage I thought I may as well move in I went so often. For about 4 beautiful years they went away. Pretty much.You see there is one tablet which takes them away. Just one it seems and for one reason and another I can no longer take it. In these four years I got married, so I have wedding photos with spot free skin. This makes me so happy, my graduation photo was just a spotty make up caked mess.

To some this may appear soincredibly and painfully vain. You will recite verses about man looking at the outward appearance but the Lord at the heart, how our identity comes from Christ and not from our appearance and this is true. I know that it isn't what we look like that really matters and our soul and spiritual condition is of the utmost importance.

On the other hand some will relate so so much. You will relate to the desperation at trying every thing but nothing happening, the feelings of ugliness, the caking on of the make up which really doesn't cover much, the prayers, the tears.

Over the years i've received so much 'advice' from people concerning acne, mostly from people with perfect skin it has to be said! Most of this has been not only unhelpful but also in many cases hurtful. So i've decided to put together a little guide of what not to say to people with acne. By all means if someone with the condition wants to talk to you about it don't ignore the issue but I don't think it's something that the spot free should initiate!

Things not to say to people with acne:

1. Why don't you visit the doctor
If it is bad enough for you to notice it's more than likely that the person already has visited the doctor.

2. My friend had acne and she tried this and now it's gone
So much about acne is related to hormones, so just because something worked for your friend doesn't mean it will work for them.

3. You'll grow out of it
At 27 I still haven't. Acne is not just a teenage thing.

4. You shouldn't wear make up, it'll just make them worse.
This is one of the most annoying things people say, I never was allowed make up until I was 18 and had acne before then. Therefore my make up wearing and spots are in no way connected. Make up is a mask which makes my spots appear a little better.

5.I'm so devastated I just got bitten my midges and now it looks like i've got acne
Your midge bites will go away soon. My spots wont.

6. Put some perfume on them that will help.
It may help a pimple, it will not help my spots. If it would do you not think I would have tried?

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