Friday, 13 April 2012

Good Bye

Two small words.

Yet so deep and full of meaning.

The tears that fell from 6 year old eyes as the car drove away from the kerb leaving beloved grandparents behind. On the other side of the sea. Again.

Tears trying to be contained from 13 year old eyes. Trying to be brave for the younger children as we say good bye to an Auntie who sets forth on a lifetime adventure to the very other side of the world.

Tears falling silently from the eyes of an 18 year old watching the breathing slow in a Grandmother who was always so strong. The beeps of the machines temporarily drowned out as the two words fall from the lips amidst the sobs.

Good Bye.

But not all have to be sad. Tearful. Painful. There's that Good Bye everyday as he goes to work. That kiss. That 'see you later'. And I know that he'll always come back home to me, it's only Good Bye for a little while.

1 comment:

  1. Very powerful -- I was right there with you in all of the painful goodbyes. *hugs*

    But yes -- the daily goodbyes. Those are much easier to think on. :)
