Wednesday, 18 July 2012

TGC Women’s Recommended Reading

From Desiring God
I am passionate about women reading good books. Nothing frustrates me more when women by pass theological books and focus only on fiction. Not that there isn't a place for fiction but if we are to be women whose lives are characterised by a love for God and a deeper knowledge of Him, we need to be those who read books that will stretch our minds and help us grow in grace.

I was so excited to read this article from the Gospel Coalition during the week in which they asked some of the speakers at the Gospel Coalition Women's Conference for their book recommendations. There are so many treasures within the list and I love the fact that not all the books are from the 'women's section', as although it is important to read such books sometimes we as women can be guilty of reading too much in this one area to the detriment of other titles.

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