Wednesday, 6 June 2012

The Pastor's Wife and Her Primary Ministry

My Husband will be starting Theological College in September to train to be a Minister. We are still trying to sort out all the details and seriously there are SO many details and practicalities to sort out. Sometimes the whole thing stresses me out so much and I feel so overwhelmed! This helpful article by Gloria Furman at the Gospel Coalition Blog is so useful. Although especially speaking to Pastors wives it is just as relevant as we begin the training stage and as I learn to be a greater support to my Husband in the work God has called him too. She comments: 

"Instead of giving in to fear that we are incapable and insufficient, we should rely on the sufficiency of Christ and lean into the older women in our lives who can teach us how to love our husbands and children like Titus 2 describes. Surely a pastor's wife who models humility and teachability is leading other women faithfully in her example of biblical womanhood."

Read the rest of this article HERE

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