Friday, 1 June 2012


He made me. He knows me. He saved me. He loves me. Yet sometimes I lose sight of him. I fear and wander. Tremble and question.

And more often than not, it's not the big things that mean I lose sight of who He is and what He's done. When the big catastrophes of life happen we realise we've nowhere else to cling and so we keep our sights fixed on Him. Knowing that He alone is the one who can sustain us through this trial, this agony that is too much for us to bear alone. We know that He is doing it for a purpose and that He never stops loving us.

It's the little things that can build up a wall and make us lose sight of Him. One by one, those little trials like building blocks. We think we can deal with them alone. But we can't. And combined we lose sight of Him. That irritating cough which means we can't sleep at night so wake up exhausted. The excessively busy week which means you have to reach for a meal out of the freezer one more time than you wish you had to, shattering your illusions of being the 'perfect' wife. Combined with the fact that your husband has to search for a work shirt out of the laundry basket rather than the drawer because you haven't even had a moment to put on a wash, leaves you feeling like a contender for 'worst wife' award. All so small. But one by one all so overwhelming.

We look to Him in the big things. Why not in the little?

We should constantly seek His face. In all things.


  1. I live here too. Thank you for the reminder! I found personally that keeping a gratitude journal has helped me over the last two or three years to focus on Him more in the little things. I think learning to focus on Him in the little things prepares us for keeping our eyes on Him in the big things.

  2. I need to think more like this when I'm doing the mountains of laundry that I can't ever seem to get ahead of.

  3. True true, so many times it is the little things that can derail our days...I think there is no worse feeling than feeling like you deserve the "worst wife award". I know my husband is the one person I want to let down the least! I thought Linda's journal idea was great! I do a Thankful Thursdays link up where you're encouraged to do 10 things your thankful for every Thursday. (It is at a friends blog, although she is pregnant and has three little boys so it doesn't always go up on Thursday :)

    Stay faithful in the small things and the big things will work themselves out.



  4. Oh I love this. This has been my struggle and I wrote about it on my blog. I do not want to allow these little frustrations to block my vision of the Father. Thank you!
