Thursday, 21 June 2012

Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts

A long time ago I read a couple of Jerry Bridges books. I thought that they were, you know, OK. Years passed and I never really felt  I particularly wanted to read another one of his books. However recently life has thrown us a few 'difficult providences' as my Dad would say. One day I arrived home to discover that I had a parcel, which is always exciting and inside I discovered that my amazing friend Cat had send me Trusting God Even When Life Hurts. As I read those pages I realised why so many people are such big fans of Bridges and I  don't know why I wasn't before now!

In reading the book it is kind of like having a wise grandfather figure explaining the Bible's teaching on suffering to you in a clear and sensitive manner. However there is a great depth to the book and at times it has to be read slowly to fully grasp the depth of what Bridges is saying. The book is immersed in Scripture and we learn much about God and who He is and how He only wants the very best for His children. We are shown that God is in control over people, nations and nature, even when we can not seem to see it. Throughout the book Bridges tells us time and time again that we CAN trust God with everything. We trust Him when things are, in our opinion going well, so why do we question Him when faced with trials? This was such a challenge to me as so often I have a plan as to how things should go and if they don't go that way I begin to question God. In response to such feelings Bridges comments:

"God's infinite wisdom then is displayed in bringing good out of evil, beauty out of ashes. It is displayed in turning all the forces of evil that rage against His children into good for them. But the good that He brings about is often different from the good we envision." p126

This is a book for everyone, not just for those facing great present trouble. Trial comes to us all at one time or another, in some shape or form and in reading this book a firm foundation would be laid for when these difficult providences batter us.

Published by NavPress

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