Friday, 22 June 2012


I am not a risk taker. I was always the one who used the traffic lights on the way home from school even though there wasn't a car in sight. The one who only eats plain food. The one who needs a schedule in order to keep sane. When it came to love and marriage I wanted it to be, you know, risk free. Plain sailing.

However, as I grew up I realised that this wasn't the case. Love is a risk. As CS Lewis says "To love is to be vulnerable." Whether you believe in courtship or dating. Whether your parents are heavily involved or completely absent, falling in love is a risk. More than likely you will get hurt somewhere along the path. There will be tears and confusion.

When me and my now husband first dated it was  full of risk. If it hadn't worked out there would have been no escape from each other, he worked at the church and I was the Ministers daughter. However if we never had taken the risk we would never have received the blessing of being married to each other and that is a much worse prospect than the fear of risk.

 Five Minute Friday


  1. Amen, Suzanne!! I was the same way-- playing it safe, especially in the relationship department. But apparently-- God has a sense of humor. And He thought "What a better way to make this girl grow towards me than by making her marry a soldier."

    Now our life is full of risks in our marriage-- but even more full of God. :-)

  2. You described me!! I don't like taking risks AT ALL! When my boyfriend and I started dating I lost 10 pounds in 3 months because I was taking a risk, didn't know what, when, where... Wonderful post!

