Thursday, 31 May 2012

How grass reminded me about common grace...

Every morning we are woken by the sounds of Good Morning Ulster coming from the clock radio. I kind of like it, as I slowly awaken I pick up what's going on in the world. However when Trev works the early shift they clearly feel that people who are up at that hour of the morning aren't particularly interested in world or local events to such an extent, so instead we have the Farming News. Now living in the city the farming news doesn't really interest me. I have no idea what a good price is for a cow so the fact that the cost has dropped by a few pound is of little relevance! However, the other morning through that sleepy haze I heard them talk about grass. Now apparently due to the cold spring we had experienced the grass had not been growing fast enough. This was leading to concerns that the animals wouldn't have enough to eat. However in recent days the sun had shone, the heat had increased and so the grass had grown meaning the farmers (and the animals) were happy! As the report closed the reporter commented that no matter what the weather was like it always evened out and in the end the grass always grew.
Through my sleepiness this got me thinking about common grace. Wayne Grudem defines common grace as "...the grace of God by which He gives people innumerable blessings that are not part of salvation." The world deserves hell, yet everyday we see abundant examples of God's common grace. Be this in the provision of the so called basics of life like food and shelter, the ability to grow in knowledge and creativity, amongst many many other provisions. Common grace doesn't save individuals and because a non-believer may be more blessed than a believer in, for example intelligence, doesn't mean that they are more favoured by God. However Grudem states that there are 4 reasons for common grace
  • To redeem those who will be saved
  • To demonstrate God's goodness and mercy
  • To demonstrate God's justice
  • To demonstrate God's glory
As I thought about the grass that always grows it reminded me what a gracious God we serve. He could easily cause it to cease growing so the animals wouldn't have enough to eat and we in turn wouldn't have enough meat and milk. As sinners that is realistically what we deserve. Yet He doesn't. He is compassionate to all people. As Matthew 5:45 says:  "For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust." (ESV) Our hearts should be full of abundant praise to God constantly for EVERYTHING! We are undeserving of anything- yet He gives us so much. So next time I look at the grass which I just take forgranted I will remember that we serve a great, good and compassionate God.

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