Friday, 25 May 2012


There is a fear in the hearts of many women. A fear that they will never be able to fulfil the maternal desires which have been a part of them since the beginning of time. A fear that they will never feel that baby within their womb. A fear that they will never see that little face, the combination of them and their husbands. A fear that they will never hear that first cry. That they will never have that opportunity to be what they have always longed to be. A mother.

It stabs them to the core of their being as they see those who have abused this opportunity. Those who abuse their little ones. Those who complain. Those who simply are apathetic.

They cling to the Lord. Trusting that he knows best. Knowing that he has everything planned out. And that although there may never be the opportunity to hear that first breath, that first cry, that first giggle, He will provide other opportunities. Opportunities that are for our good. Even though it may not feel that way.


  1. poignant, beautiful. there is hope, even in the pain. thanks for sharing your heart here.

  2. I wish my friend who struggles with infertility could read this post.

  3. I've been here. Infertility is hard. God chose to bless us with three girls after a long wait. After the waiting, looking back, I can see His timing and His hand.

  4. I hear your heart. I also hear Linda's. I battled infertility for years and then after the long emotional, stressful, painful wait and the experience to begin the adoption process God went on to bless us with three miracles from my barren womb. I experienced a miracle! Thank you Lord for this post to remind me to thank you for your loving miracles that abound everyday. Blessings!

  5. A post in which many can relate to...
