Monday, 7 May 2012

Adopted for Life

In the in forward to Adopted for Live C.J.Mahaney says that reading the book will leave you so moved you'll need tissues near by. I can assure you he was not wrong! This is without a doubt one of the most moving, biblically based and challenging books I have read in a long time, if not ever. The book is by no means a step to step guide through the process of adoption, though it does provide a lot of information on the process. It's purpose is rather to show how we, as believers have been adopted by Christ and how this in turn should affect our attitude to adoption.

The author, Russell Moore adopted 2 little boys when he and his wife were faced with infertility. Throughout the book we travel with Moore as he explores the doctrine of adoption as we see it in the Bible. The book is submerged in scripture and everything he says is backed up with verses printed out in full. We see those in the Bible who were adopted, we see the fact that we are adopted into the family of God and we see that any prejudices we have about those who are different to us, be that because of their colour, or special needs they have are like us, made in the image of God. At times the book made me squirm as I realised how forgranted I take my adoption into the family of God and how many prejudices I often hold within my own heart.

The author continues by going into many issues surrounding the practicalities of adoption and all matters, from the age of the child to whether the child has disabilities, from whether to adopt domestically or internationally are treated not from a purely human standpoint but rather from scripture. He states that the issue of adoption is not exclusively a matter to be considered by the infertile couple but is a matter that should affect everyone within the church, whether that means the family with children already adding to their family through adoption or the elderly couple giving money to help the young couple in their church with their adoption fund.

I finished the book with a real passion to see children placed in christian homes and a real vision to share this with others. This book will without a doubt challenge your ideas on families and make you incredibly grateful for the adoption we have in Christ. Russell Moore finishes the book on a most challenging note, as he comments : "Maybe there are abandoned children languishing right now in cribs somewhere who will be blowing out birthday candles with their new families this time next year because of your witness, your money, or your encouragement. Maybe they'll be yours. I don't know. Like I say I don't know you. But maybe your waiting for the sound of footsteps too."

Published by Crossway

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