Monday, 21 May 2012

God's Good Design

Last month the Gospel Coalition had on their blog, four books by women, about women. One of the books was Different by Design by Carrie Sandom which I read and reviewed last month. Another was God's Good Design by Claire Smith. When it arrived into the shop I debated whether or not to get it. I asked my husband- he told me that I should, but still I debated with myself. I wasn't sure I needed to read another book on the role of women!! However, eventually I decided to take the plunge and purchase it and I'm really glad that I did!

Unlike many books on the role of women this book focuses on Bible passages which cause great debate. Claire writes from the viewpoint of one who used to be a staunch feminist but since her conversion  has submerged herself in the study of the Bible both personally and at Bible College, thus we see someone who doesn't simply hold to her views because that is what she has grown up believing but rather because in depth study of the Word has convinced her that a complementarian view of men and women is Biblical.

The book starts with an overview of feminism and how the world got to where it is today. It then takes a two fold approach to the role of women: Within the Church and Within the Home. It covers the passages of 1 Timothy 2, 1 Corinthians 11 and 14, Ephesian 5, 1 Peter 3, Genesis 1-3 and Proverbs 31 in great detail, going back the original and what they really mean for us today. The book is grounded in Scripture and uses this foundation to apply these passages to our lives today. Although going into great detail on each of the passages the book is enjoyable and not unnecessarily complex for the reader. There is also a chapter on domestic abuse: "The Ultimate Distortion" and a chapter on how Claire came to her convictions and how they have been practically outworked in her life.

Although I didn't 100% agree with her on every single detail this really was an incredibly useful book. Bible passages which I previously didn't fully understand I now feel much more informed on and now could explain them to others with much greater confidence! Claire writes warmly and although clearly very able the book isn't written in a distant scholarly manner. Throughout the book time and time again we are reminded that we are all equal in Christ, with "a part to play in ordered and complementary relationships between men and women".

Published by Matthias Media

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