Wednesday, 30 May 2012

A Cure For Lame Table Prayers

So often I just say the same thing when my husband asks me to say Grace. It's pretty much exactly the same thing I used to say when my Dad used to ask me to do the same. In fact  I've said the same thing since I was about four. When I read Tony Reinke's article on Desiring God Blog the other day I was both challenged and rebuked. He comments that after reading  Douglas Wilson's new book Father Hunger,

"Instead of a vague prayer for the provisions, I gave thanks to the God who channelled his grace to us through a supply line of farmers ...through the factory workers ...through the unshaven truckers ... and through the grocery store stockers ... the men and women in this supply line have all been ordained, called, equipped, and preserved by God because God knows your name, he knows your tastes, he loves you, and because he wants you to enjoy a bowl of breakfast cereal in his name."

Read the entire article HERE and next time you say Grace you probably wont rhyme off the same old thing!

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