Wednesday, 16 May 2012

When Mothers Day Doesn't Bring Joy

So here in the UK it was Mothers Day in March. Throughout the rest of the world it was Mothers Day Sunday past and the web seemed to have a good few articles on facing Mothers Day when it is a day of pain and sadness rather that a day of joy. Although the day is now over this year everywhere I felt that the following articles were useful throughout the year both for those who struggle with infertility and for those who have no idea what empty arms feel like, but need to learn to relate to those who do.

 Noel Piper, with a guest post at True Woman Blog shows how God knows our pain and suggests that we ask God to fulfil His purposes, place our confidence in the Lord, reach out to others and rejoice in the Lord.

Courtney Reissig uses the words of Romans 12:15 “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep” to describe how the church should respond to motherhood. She comments: "May our churches be a place where the glory of motherhood is upheld and honoured, but the pain and sorrow of those who long for what they do not have is honoured as well."

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